This week, we’re giving away three copies of Girl Falling by Hayley Scrivenor. Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Blue Mountains, this compelling story explores the complex relationship between two lifelong friends as their lives take unexpected turns that will keep you turning the pages. Here’s the blurb:
Why would my best friend want to destroy my life?
Finn and her best friend, Daphne, have grown up together in the Blue Mountains. Bonded by both having lost a younger sister to suicide, they've always had a close – sometimes too close – friendship. Now in their twenties, their lives have finally started to diverge: Daphne is at university and Finn is working in the Mountains, as well as falling in love with a beautiful newcomer called Magdu.
Unused to sharing Finn, Daphne starts to act up in ways that will allow her to maintain the control over her best friend she's always relished. Then, one fateful day, Finn, Daphne and Magdu all go rock-climbing – and Magdu falls to her death. Is it suicide, or a terrible accident – or something more sinister?
Bold, dramatic and utterly compelling, Girl Falling forces us to confront the stories we tell ourselves about the people we love. Displaying all of Hayley Scrivenor's razor-sharp skills for character, landscape and narrative, this is a breathtaking read.
Entries close midday (Syd/Melb time) Monday 9 September 2024. Winners will be notified within a week of the competition closing.