Writing Podcast Episode 518: Jo Riccioni on her young adult novel, ‘The Branded’.

Jo Riccioni on her young adult novel, The Branded and why she loves mentoring teenagers. Useful apps for freelance writers. And much more. Also win copies of What Writers Read by Pandora Sykes.

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Writer in residence: Jo Riccioni

Jo Riccioni is a novelist and short story writer. Her latest novel, The Branded, is a young adult epic fantasy adventure which is causing a buzz among readers and the publishing industry. Jo's first novel, The Italians at Cleat's Corner Store won the International Rubery Award for fiction and was shortlisted for the New Angle Prize in the UK, while her short stories have won competitions around the world and been optioned for short film.

Jo has been a manuscript assessor and creative writing teacher for more than eight years. She has also been a high school English teacher and taught day-workshops in creative writing for schools around Sydney.

Follow Jo on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Pantera Press on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Writing Picture Books.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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