Day: July 10, 2014

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

I sent an unsolicited manuscript – and got published!

To get published these days you don’t just need an amazing book — you often also need an amazing and hardworking agent to go along with it.

But when Therese Creed wrote her first novel, Redstone Station, she submitted it to the first big publisher that would take her unsolicited manuscript. To her surprise, she received a formal offer on the book not long after.

Charlotte’s Creek is her second novel released by Allen & Unwin, and we sat down with Therese to chat about her love of writing and outback adventures.

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Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

"I got published!": Ambra Sancin

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead. Ambra says: I was commissioned

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