Day: May 30, 2022

Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED: ‘One Punch’ by Julie Fison

This week’s giveaway book comes from author and AWC alumna Julie Fison. She completed our Crime and Thriller course while writing her manuscript (check out her publication story here) and the result is her debut novel, One Punch. We have three copies to be won. A contemporary family drama following

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Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How AWC graduate Julie Fison learnt to build suspense in her novel ‘One Punch’

Julie Fison had been writing professionally her whole adult life, having worked as a journalist and published books for kids and young adults. But when she decided to write a novel for adults, she knew there was more she could learn. She turned to the Australian Writers’ Centre to hone her skills around plotting and characterisation.

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