A Month of Murder and Mayhem. The free ebook and podcast series.

Murder-and-Mayhem-ebookCrime. Murder. Espionage. Mystery. It’s a world filled with more evil and crime than you can shake a sharpened stick at – where people save the world from certain destruction, where spies, terrorists and thugs abound, and where the killer could be someone in your very own home. It's also a world often filled with flawed heroes and likeable villains. But above all, it’s a place where we explore the authors who tell these very stories – what makes them tick and how their words manage to take us to some of the darkest corners of our imaginations…

If you’re interested in crime or thriller writing, join us on a journey of murder and mayhem that’s set to enhance your own writing skills.

This is A Month of Murder and Mayhem, a free series brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre.

By the end of the month, you’ll be creating compelling villains, developing unique mysteries and sending your heroes off to save the world.

Enter a world of power and iniquity, unspeakable evil and delicious domestic intrigue.

A Month of Murder and Mayhem features authors such as:

  • L.A. Larkin
  • Candice Fox
  • Matthew Reilly
  • Linwood Barclay
  • Caroline Overington
  • Michael Robotham
  • Ellie Marney

And covers topics such as:

  • Plotting your thriller
  • The power of language
  • Linking fiction to real life
  • Writing real heroes
  • Getting published is about more than just writing
  • Self-publishing to get noticed by the big guns
  • Staying current in the thriller business
  • Writing crime for young adults

It’s 31 days of murder, mystery and mayhem. Every day, a world-class author will share a powerful tip to help improve your crime and thriller writing.

Fill in this form to have the ebook emailed to you.

Please note: We’ll never sell or distribute your personal details. Any details collected will only be used by the Australian Writers’ Centre to notify you of relevant course information every fortnight or so.

Read our full privacy policy.

Bonus! Murder and Mayhem: pop-up podcast

We have launched our first ever pop-up podcast to coincide with A Month of Murder and Mayhem.

Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher Radio.


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