Writing Podcast Episode 483: Bestselling middle-grade author Nat Amoore, author of ‘We Run Tomorrow’

Bestselling middle-grade author Nat Amoore, author of We Run Tomorrow. Cool writing resources and much more. And you could win Family of Liars by E Lockhart in our giveaway.

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Writer in residence: Nat Amoore

Nat Amoore is a Sydney-based writer who is passionate about encouraging kids to read and write and explore their imagination without boundaries. Her first middle grade novel Secrets Of A Schoolyard Millionaire came out in 2019 with Penguin Random House. It had great success as both Dymocks and QBD's ‘Kids Book Of The Month', becoming Australia's #1 bestselling debut Aussie children’s fiction in 2019. It has now been sold into the UK, US, Italy, China, Estonia and Romania.

Her second book The Power Of Positive Pranking came out in June 2020 and has been shortlisted for the 2021 Readings Children's Book Prize, and REAL Children’s Choice Book Awards. It went on to win the 2021 Environment Award for Children's Literature.

The Right Way To Rock came out in June 2021 and Nat is super excited to be celebrating her latest release, a novel/graphic novel hybrid We Run Tomorrow, that hits stores in May 2022. She also has a short story in Total Quack Up Again!

Follow Nat on Twitter and Instagram

Follow Penguin Books Australia on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Fiction Essentials: Characters

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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