Writing Podcast Episode 567: How Stacey McEwan harnessed the power of TikTok and her latest novel ‘Chasm’.

When Stacey McEwan's musings on books and writing went viral on TikTok, publishers came knocking. She talks about how it happened, tips for authors looking to use social media, and her latest novel Chasm.

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Writer in residence: Stacey McEwan

Stacey McEwan is the best-selling author of the Glacian Trilogy. Her debut fantasy romance novel – Ledge, has been translated into three languages. Not to brag, but her high school English teacher once called her writing “above year level standard.” Stacey received a bachelor's degree in education in 2012 and remains a school teacher by day. She is a book reviewer and content creator on multiple platforms, including Tiktok and Instagram. Stacey first published after book lovers of the internet encouraged her to share her story ideas. She was born and raised on the Gold Coast, Australia, and still resides in her hometown with her husband, two children and one questionable dog.

Follow Stacey on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Angry Robot on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Penguin Books Aus on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Creative Writing Stage 1.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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