Writing Podcast Episode 592: Karina May, author of ‘Never Ever Forever’, on publishing 3 books in 15 months.

Meet Karina May, author of Never Ever Forever, who talks about author branding, the business of writing and publishing 3 books in 15 months. Host Valerie Khoo also chats to author Nat Newman on her writing tip for the week, Valerie’s involvement in the 100-day project, a global initiative that encourages creatives to commit to producing something new every day for 100 days. And much more.

You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.  

00:00 Introduction and updates
01:08 The 100 day project: A creative journey
03:06 Exploring multiple creative pursuits
03:50 Upcoming free event: How to be a successful writer
05:10 Interview with Nat Newman: Balancing multiple interests
07:12 Maintaining health and fitness as a writer
11:01 Writing tip of the week: Thinking about your story daily
14:46 Book giveaway: WIN Shadows of Truth by Astrid Scholte
17:15 Word of the week: Abnegate
18:03 Interview with Karina May: Publishing three books in 15 months
23:05 The unexpected aspects of being an author
24:01 The business side of writing
24:36 The importance of collaboration in publishing
25:24 Understanding personal branding as an author
26:15 Creating a strong authorial presence online
26:44 The role of authenticity in branding
29:00 The power of storytelling in marketing
29:58 The importance of visual aesthetics in digital marketing
32:50 The writing process and overcoming blockers
39:44 The journey of writing Never Ever Forever
45:23 Balancing a career in digital marketing and writing
47:27 Final thoughts and advice for aspiring writers

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Karina May

Sydney-based Karina May is a former magazine journalist turned digital marketer, avid romance reader and writer of lively love stories that span the globe.

When she's not dreaming up her next shirtless love interest, you'll likely find her rescuing her kindle from the bath, or out guzzling espresso martinis in the name of research (someone's gotta do it!).

Follow Karina on Instagram.

Follow Pan Macmillan Australia on Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Creative Writing Stage 1.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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