Writing Podcast Episode 603: Picture book author Megan Daley on how to nurture your children to become readers.

Meet Megan Daley, author of The Beehive. Megan talks about her passion for children’s literature, her role as a teacher librarian, and her picture book The Beehive. She also discusses her book Raising Readers, which emphasises the importance of instilling a love of reading in children from a young age and offers practical advice for parents.

You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.  

00:00 Welcome to the world of writing and publishing
00:22 Unlocking creativity with story seeds
03:48 Nat Newman's writing tip
07:54 Crafting engaging openings in writing
14:58 Megan Daley: A passion for children's literature and bees
21:30 The journey from blog to book: Unveiling a love for reading
23:01 Empowering reading habits: Tips for parents and educators
23:48 A creative approach to encouraging reading
29:34 Encouraging savvy teen readers in a digital age
32:41 The path to becoming a teacher librarian
34:02 From educator to children's book author
36:28 Strategies for busy creatives
42:34 From writing dreams to picture book reality
44:22 A dive into the history of the exclamation mark

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Megan Daley

Megan Daley is a multiple award-winning teacher librarian, author, speaker, podcaster, and literary judge, who loves wandering literature festivals. Megan’s best subjects at high school were English and Agriculture and she still adores reading, writing, small-scale farming, growing green things, chickens and bees. Megan lives in humid Brisbane where she waits for it to be cool enough to split her hives and lives with her partner, a commercial beekeeper, and their four children.

Follow Megan Daley on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Walker Books Australia on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Writing Picture Books.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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