Writing Podcast Episode 651: Beau Donelly, co-author of the book that inspired the hit Netflix series about Belle Gibson

Belle Gibson fooled the world as a health influencer who lied about having brain cancer. In this re-released conversation, we speak with Beau Donelly – co-author of the book that inspired the hit Netflix series, Apple Cider Vinegar.

You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.  

00:00 Introduction
02:41 Nat Newman’s writing tip: Write what you want to write
07:57 WIN! You Are Fatally Invited by Ande Pliego
09:55 Word of the week: ‘Tintinnabulation’
12:41 Re-release conversation: Beau Donelly
18:50 Beau’s first connection with the scandal
22:55 Initial research on Belle’s story
26:00 Fundraising fraud
27:25 Archiving social media
30:30 Categorising the information
32:49 Turning the story into a book
35:11 Dividing the workload between two authors
40:25 Exposing the ‘wellness’ influencer phenomenon
41:42 Painting a picture of Belle’s parents
46:20 The biggest challenge of writing the book
54:20 Belle Gibson’s lack of remorse
55:34 Final thoughts

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Beau Donelly

Beau Donelly is a multi-award-winning journalist who covered social affairs for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. His news-breaking and investigative skills have been recognised by the United Nations and the Melbourne Press Club. Donelly has been awarded for an exposé on illegal brothels, coverage of clergy sex-abuse trials, and reporting on disability issues. He has also been a finalist for Australian journalism’s highest honour, the Walkley Award. Donelly has a Bachelor of Journalism from Monash University, and is based in Europe.

Follow Beau on Twitter.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Creative Non-fiction.


Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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