“So you want to be a writer” listed in top writing podcasts!

Now, for more than two years, WE have known how brilliant Valerie Khoo and Allison Tait’s weekly chats on all things writing, blogging and publishing are. But it’s always nice to get a little extra recognition – as we did this week when So you want to be a writer featured in the Book Riot’s list of 30 outstanding podcasts for writers!

Book Riot is an international website devoted to all things bookish. The only thing they like as much as books is talking about books with other readers. And with a community of more than half a million, being listed in Book Riot is a big deal.

So, if you’ve been waiting for a big reason to finally start listening to our brilliant podcast, this is it!

You can listen to the podcast here or find it on iTunes or listen via Stitcher Radio.

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