Authors you loved listening to this year

2022 has been another big year for the So You Want to be a Writer podcast.

This year, there have been 55 episodes (and 55 words of the week!) and Valerie has interviewed 58 writers. Not only did we celebrate our 500th episode, we’re at over 2.3 million downloads. Wow!

As we get ready to write ‘The end’ on 2022, we’ve put together the top 10 episodes of the podcast, so you can start the new writing year right. You’ll be inspired by an iconic Australian author, an incredible debut author, a New York Times bestselling crime author and more.

From Val and everyone at Team AWC who bring the podcast to you each week – thank you for another great year. We can’t wait to do it all again with you in 2023.

Listen to the top 10 episodes of the So You Want to be a Writer from 2022

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