COMP CLOSED: Win 3 x Bear Grylls’ new book!

This week at AWC Competition Central, we have a name you will probably be familiar with, but doing something that may surprise you.

It’s likely that the name Bear Grylls will ring a bunch of bells in the ‘survival’ and ‘DIY action hero’ realm of the non-fiction literary world. From parachuting into icy streams to scaling cliff faces and eating yellow snow, if it’s wild, Bear Grylls will be there.

But Ghost Flight marks his first foray into perhaps one of his last unconquered frontiers – fiction writing – and quite the departure for someone who thrives on making the real world a whole lot more real. A thriller, it tells of a modern-day conspiracy to raise Hitler's Third Reich from the ashes.

We have THREE copies of this newly released book to give away – to be in to win one, simply tell us what animal you’d have as your nickname and why. (Bear is actually Edward Grylls.)

The best three animals will win!

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.

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