COMP CLOSED: Win big with Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert!

Creativity and inspiration combine this week with our giveaway book being the eating-praying-loving Elizabeth Gilbert’s latest offering, Big Magic!

It may have only been released in late September 2015, but it instantly shot to the top of the charts on the New York Times Bestseller list. And the praise has been enormous, from all quarters, with this review summing it up rather well: “A must read for anyone hoping to live a creative life… I dare you not to be inspired to be brave, to be free, and to be curious.”

Sounds good, right? And right now we have FIVE coveted copies of this modern-day creative handbook to give away. All you need to do is answer this question in the best way you can:

What THREE words sum up CREATIVITY for you?
Be creative! Our favourite will win this BIG and MAGICAL book!

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.

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