WIN ‘Body of Lies’ by Sarah Bailey

This week, we’re giving away three copies of Body of Lies by Sarah Bailey, bestselling author of The Dark Lake, Into the Night and The Housemate. We’re so proud of Sarah’s success as she’s an alumna of Australian Writers' Centre. You can also meet her on episodes 437, 252 and 215 of our podcast. Here’s the blurb:

A car crash victim clings to life and is rushed to hospital but can't be saved. Hours later, her corpse is stolen from the morgue. No one knows who the dead woman was or why her body was taken.

Detective Sergeant Gemma Woodstock is back in her hometown of Smithson on maternity leave when the bizarre incident occurs. She is intrigued by the case but reluctant to get involved, despite the urging of her journalist friend Candy Fyfe. But in the days after the body goes missing, the town is rocked by another shocking crime and Gemma can't resist joining the investigation.

Candy and Gemma follow the clues the dead woman left behind. As they attempt to discover the identity of the missing woman, Gemma uncovers devastating secrets about the people she thought she knew best. The closer Gemma gets to the truth, the more danger she is in. She desperately needs to confide in someone—but is there anyone she can trust?

If you’d like to win a copy, simply enter your details in the form below. Three lucky people will win a copy!

Entries close midday (Syd/Melb time) Monday 4 March 2024. Winners will be notified within a week of the competition closing.


In case you win, let us know where to send your prize

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