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Pamela Freeman | Australian Writers' Centre

Pamela Freeman

Pamela is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 50 books and novellas, plus short stories and scripts.

She writes under two names: Pamela Freeman for children’s and fantasy, and Pamela Hart for mystery novels and historical fiction.

Her most recent novel as Pamela Hart is An A-List for Death. This follows Digging Up Dirt, the first in the Poppy McGowan mystery series. She also publishes Regency romance novellas with Escape Publishing. Prior to this, she’s published a number of historical novels, mostly set in the first part of the 20th century (WWI and the Roaring Twenties).

As Pamela Freeman, her non-fiction picture books are multi-award winners, especially those she has created with illustrator Liz Anelli, Desert Lake and Dry to Dry: The Seasons of Kakadu. Pamela is also well known for her children’s fantasy, such as Victor’s Quest and Victor’s Challenge, and the associated Princess Betony books.

Pamela writes fantasy for adults as well; her Castings Trilogy was published world-wide and was followed by Ember and Ash, an Aurealis Award winner.

Pamela started writing as a scriptwriter for ABC Kids. She has a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Writing) and has taught writing at UTS and the University of Sydney, as well as conducting workshops at writers festivals, schools, and libraries Australia-wide. She is Director of Creative Writing at the Australian Writers' Centre.

Find out more about her at and

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