Alison Rogers 2 months ago

I completed my first short story! I can now say I write short stories!

I liked the practical component of setting out numbers of words per section of the story. Step by step building of the story was a great way to structure the course.

The course was well structured and being able to get independent feedback is a great feature.

Judy Rossignuolo 4 months ago

I enjoyed the challenge of being able to follow the guidelines as given in the course.

It gave me ideas about writing, confirming some of what I was already doing. Also, it helped to confirm that short stories is definitely the way I want to go.

I have found the course very useful. I especially like courses where you get constructive feedback of your work.

Vanessa Welsh 4 months ago

Writing press releases and articles during my working life, I like the short story form with its similar structure of concise sentences and paragraphs.

I enjoyed finally writing and submitting the 2,500 word short story and, hopefully, having implemented all the lessons I'd learnt.

The course has got me back into writing. I used our caravan to be away from the house and not be tempted to put the washing on or make a cuppa. Hours sped by once I embarked on the actual short story.

The course was excellent but give yourself plenty of time to complete.

Barbara Hunt 6 months ago

All modules were helpful, and the handouts listing short stories to read were excellent.

I enjoyed the module on Point of View. I think that can be tricky to master.

I have referred a lot of fellow writers to AWC's courses. They are well constructed with tutors who have a wealth of experience in their fields.

Casey Vinci 7 months ago

I liked the structure of the course. I have always liked writing but having a formula to work with was great. I enjoyed the realistic approach. It felt like being in a classroom.

Nick Carney 8 months ago

This was a really great course.

I needed to get out of a rut with my writing. I enjoyed knowing that I was working towards the completion of a written short story, towards feedback.

If I had not been enrolled, I would not have completed this story. I was already battling with issues of confidence but I got my story done. That's a big thing for me.

Brian Oldman 9 months ago

The Short Stories Essentials course really provided me with the structure and tools to improve my writing. I feel that the quality of my writing output has noticeably stepped up since completing the course.

I enjoyed the wide range of relevant quotes from authors that illustrated the teaching points being made, and the ability to go back and revisit the modules and materials.

It really provided me with structure and tools that I previously did not have. I am also thinking far more about my reader, and how they will respond, when I am writing.

It provides practical guidance and clear instruction, which is easy to follow, and that you can immediately start using in your writing.

Barbara Cook 11 months ago

I enjoyed the voice and friendly manner of the presenter, the self-paced structure, and the regular pauses to write the next part of my story. So many learnings backed up by examples.

I know now how to structure the hooks, the planting of clues, driving the story with action, dialogue and the senses. I now read in a totally different way as well, and can see how the writer is 'manipulating' the reader (in a good way).

Go for it. Totally professional info that will change your writing.

Jacqueline Wright 1 year ago

My experience lies mainly in writing novels and when I started writing a short story for a local comp, I realised that I had no idea how to write a short story. This course came into my in-box, so I thought, "Why not?"

I enjoyed the way it was structured with a mix of easy (and personable) audio lessons and hand-outs.

I now feel confident to write more short stories off my own bat.

Ostend Sabey 1 year ago

I have now learnt how to properly structure a short story and look forward to using these skills to enter into competitions in the near future.

Go for it!

Karen Taylor 1 year ago

I enjoy writing short stories and have had some competition success but also some unfinished short stories and wanted to know how to fix the ones that were not working.

A really practical course that was well paced. It has given me some new direction to improve and hopefully finish some more short stories.

Kirsten Due 1 year ago

I appreciated the amount of work that has gone in behind the scenes to prepare and record the material to such a high quality.

Of all the courses I have done in my life (on any topic), those offered by AWC are by far the highest quality. Each lecture is packed with relevant information. So much thought has gone into the material and pitching it at the right level. They seem to genuinely want to produce better writers. The passion and dedication shines through.

Karen 1 year ago

I enjoyed the level of detail about the different components of a short story.

I've found reading short stories a lot more enjoyable, and am improving at identifying the different elements. I feel that I can complete a short story now. I have started many, but never been able to finish satisfactorily.

AWC is very user friendly. The courses are relevant and on point. People are great.

Goff Ripoli 1 year ago

I felt that all the topics and ideas presented in the short story course were clearly communicated, and the links made between the modules were sound and logical.

I enjoyed the warmth of the narrator of this course. It engaged me and maintained my interest. I was also impressed by the resources that went along with each of the modules. The range of examples provided, which amplified the points made, were easy to follow and learn from for my own writing.

Short Story Essentials is a comprehensive and detailed course. It is not overwhelming because the way the course is constructed leaves ample room for feeling guided and supported every step of the way. In the end, I have gained a greater level of confidence and faith in my writing skills, in having completed the course.

Thank you for a well-crafted course that has done so much in providing me the skills and techniques to keep on striving to become a better short story writer, now and into the future.

Rosie 1 year ago

I was looking to increase my knowledge and skills in short story writing and the outline of this course looked like it would provide a helpful structure and guide. I love that it is a self-paced course and the option to submit a story and receive feedback was what convinced me to enrol.

Having a structure to follow has made writing so much easier and more enjoyable. Knowing what elements make up a short story has made me feel more confident with my writing as well as giving me the confidence to enter competitions.

The course is full of practical information, set out very clearly and was a joy to complete with all of the examples and tips included. The self-paced and online mode was so convenient and allowed me to complete the course in my own time.

Looking forward to completing other courses available.

Danielle Barker 1 year ago

I embarked on short story writing without any real knowledge at all about structure, plot, point of view etc. I submitted my pieces to various competitions but had no luck. I realised I was missing something and wanted a course where I could get feedback as well as learn the essentials.

I think absolutely everything in the course was indeed 'essential' and complemented some of the other AWC courses I have done too (like character essentials).

I really liked all the examples that were used from real short stories. This helped to highlight and understand many of the points being made.

I have been able to shine a light on a short story I had already been working on (and submitting) for some time but was struggling with. The course has helped me to understand structure and theme better so that I can hang my stories more constructively. At least I hope so, and that it now shows in my submitted piece for feedback!

AWC courses are really well paced and detailed, no stone is left unturned and the information is shared in an easy-to-follow way. If you are thinking about signing up for a course, stop thinking and just do it! You won't regret it and will definitely learn something, but likely many, many things!

Paul Rodriguez 1 year ago

I enjoy writing short stories and wanted to learn more about how to do so. I've completed a number of other AWC courses before and found them all excellently written and well presented. Didn't have to think twice about this one.

Great examples. Opportunity to develop your own story throughout as a way to reinforce learning and practice. Loved the chance to submit for feedback at the end. I particularly enjoyed the modules on style, story technique, editing, and polishing.

Helped me understand short form writing and refine my writing craft. I enter many short story writing competitions. This has given me additional encouragement and fired my enthusiasm even more. Who knows what lies ahead?

Short Story Essentials is a treasure trove of information about short-form writing presented in a well-paced and entertaining manner. It's more than nuts and bolts. It captures the essence, excitement, and joy of short story writing. By the end, you'll be up to the challenge of penning short tales. You'll be hooked.

Thanks for the ride. Brilliant.

Sanjana 1 year ago

It was very comprehensive and told you exactly what a good short story is and what it isn't, as well as the current trends in short story writing.

I enjoyed the fact that I could work on a project during the course and see how much better it was at the end compared to the start. I really liked that I was able to get feedback from Cathie Tasker as well.

I feel like I have a good grasp of the short story form and can make an impact with my writing.

Jan Samuels 1 year ago

I most enjoyed the detailed nature of the audio presentations and the helpful handouts. I was especially attracted by the opportunity to receive feedback on my completed story from the course designer, Cathie Tasker, who is so well respected in her field.

It's great to learn new skills after spending months (okay, years) writing my first novel. The change of pace and the satisfaction of seeing a completed work so quickly has really refreshed my writing - and my enthusiasm to keep going.

AWC courses are good value, high quality and great fun. Just sign up and get going!

Emily Robertson 1 year ago

I found the breakdown formula presented was easy to understand and mould my own work around. It took the guess work out of crafting a great short story.

I now have a checklist to go back over after I've written something. Not being a huge plotter myself, I can finish now and then edit with confidence knowing what points I'm looking for at what point in the story, and if it's not meeting the formula I can go back and change it.

I'm so happy I found you guys. You'll never regret your choice to do an AWC course.

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