Book Covers That Sell

Because we DO judge a book by its cover

This course is ideal for: Self-published authors who want to stand out for all the right reasons.

You will discover:
The 5 steps to a winning cover
How to stand out from the crowd
How to use colour, imagery and fonts
Fiction versus non-fiction designs
And much more

“I enjoyed the clear set out and resources. I am now thinking about how to approach and execute my concept.”
– Claire Bigelow, Book Covers That Sell graduate

See more reviews
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First impressions count...

If you are self-publishing your book – whether it's a fictional novel or a business book – you want your book cover to stand out from the pack. You also want it to look like it's been published by a professional publishing house. It's about giving your book the best chance of being found, chosen and bought by your target readers. Readers have so many books to choose from. And in such a competitive marketplace, you need your book to stand out. SEE FULL COURSE OUTLINE

How do book covers sell?

Designing a book cover can be a daunting task. Where should you start? How can you make it look good? What should you avoid? Is Comic Sans font really all that bad? (Answer: yes.) Sure, creating a book cover may not be as complex as writing a novel, but it has its challenges. It’s easy to design a BAD cover. But your words deserve more – and you deserve to have high expectations. To enjoy the book cover design process – and the result! – it’s important to put in the prep-work. In this course, respected designer Julia Kuris will help you take your first steps to your cover success. In it, you’ll discover: If you already have a great idea of what you want your cover to look like, this course will help you bring it to life. Or if you have no idea, we can help you get there. Please note that this course focuses on books for adults. It does not focus on picture books or novels for younger readers. With our steps to success, you too can create book covers that sell. We look forward to showing you how!

Instant access

Purchase now and you’ll get instant access to this comprehensive course – and start creating the best cover for your book straight away. It’s packed with examples, font ideas, templates and the exact rules you need to know. Learn at your pace – all at once, or a little at a time.

How long do I have access for?

You receive unlimited access for an entire year (from the date of purchase), giving you plenty of time to learn everything you need.

About Julia Kuris

Julia Kuris is the founder of Sydney-based design and branding studio, where she works with many self-published authors to create beautiful covers that sell! Julia has designed covers for some of Australia’s leading authors and entrepreneurs, as well as designing covers for Finch Publishing – an independent Australian publishing house. She regularly speaks and teaches about cover design and is passionate about helping authors like you connect with their readers.

What’s included in your online course?

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