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FOCUS ON… Openings explores how to write a compelling opening that will make publishers want to read to the end. Pamela shares some of the methods behind the magic of creating engaging openings. You’ll explore the promise you make to your reader in those first pages and why your voice is so important in setting the tone right from the start. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.“So many great insights from an experienced author, and good, practical advice that I have taken on board already.” Leanne Hodgkiss
FOCUS ON…The Second Act explores how to avoid the saggy middle and write a page-turning story. The middle part of any story – also commonly known as “The Second Act” – is often the hardest part of a novel to write. We’re often told to enjoy the journey as much as the destination, but navigating it is not easy. But fear not – Pamela will provide you with a guiding light in this seminar. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.“It was filled with so much useful and interesting information. I have a much better understanding of novel structure, especially the second act following this seminar.” Elizabeth Peadon
FOCUS ON… The Climax and Resolution explores how to leave your reader both satisfied and wanting MORE. Providing a satisfying resolution for your novel can be difficult, no matter how experienced you are. But do it right and it will have a positive effect on your next book, perhaps before you’ve even started writing it! In this seminar Pamela shows you how. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.“I have done all the Focus on... seminars and they've been great. This one was not only informative and useful, but also practical. I like the focus on how to implement the information and make it work.” Sue Oliver
Meet your presenter
Pamela Freeman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 40 books and novellas, plus short stories and scripts. She writes under two names: Pamela Freeman for children’s and fantasy, and Pamela Hart for mystery novels and historical fiction. Prolific across multiple genres, Pamela has a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Writing) and she has been the director of creative writing here at the Australian Writers's Centre for over 10 years. 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