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FOCUS ON… Show, Don’t Tell explores the ultimate creative writing technique. ‘Showing’ makes scenes come alive, characters more real, and everything in your story more vivid. But what exactly does that mean? How exactly does one ‘show’? And…well, aren’t there times you really should ‘tell’? It’s called storytelling after all! This online seminar is for anyone who has ever nodded sagely along to “Show, don’t tell!” but secretly wondered just HOW to apply it to their writing. And your guide is multi award-winning, bestselling author Pamela Freeman. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.
“I finally understand the 'show don't tell' concept on a deep level. I had a vague idea before, but now feel confident about what to look for in the editing process AND how to fix it. So exciting!”
Angela Victor
FOCUS ON… Pace explores how Every genre and sub-genre has its own requirement in terms of pace. You probably know what yours is – but do you know how to achieve it? Do you know the nuts and bolts of how to control pace so that it builds narrative tension so that readers can’t put your book down? Pace has both macro and micro elements – all of which you can control. It might be the style or the shape of your paragraphs. It could be the number of scenes and how long each of them are. Or perhaps it's the ratio of plot movement to words. There are dozens of ways you can improve your control of pace. And this seminar will show you exactly what you need to do for your story. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.
“I finally understand all the elements of pacing! This seminar exceeded my expectations. Pamela Freeman never fails to provide value for money with a richness of content, generosity and depth of wisdom, and content that is understandable and so actionable.”
FOCUS ON… Style and Tone explores you want readers to engage in your story, then you need strong style and tone in your writing. And, yes, you can learn how to do this! Your style and tone need to match your characters and the genre you’re writing in. Why? Because readers have certain expectations and the wrong style/tone can put off readers. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.
“What I found particularly helpful was having the differences and similarities between style and tone clearly clarified, how each relates to specific genres and sub-genres, and how to deepen POV simply by removing filter words.”
Debrah Kelly
Meet your presenter
Pamela Freeman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 40 books and novellas, plus short stories and scripts. She writes under two names: Pamela Freeman for children’s and fantasy, and Pamela Hart for mystery novels and historical fiction.
Prolific across multiple genres, Pamela has a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Writing) and she has been the director of creative writing here at the Australian Writers's Centre for over 10 years.
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