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LIMITED TIME OFFER: Save $48 on FOCUS ON Bundle 5: Action, Chapters and Avoiding Infringement. Offer ends midnight Monday 2 December 2024.
FOCUS ON… Action A great action scene excites and enthrals the reader, moves the story along and develops the characters. The reader won’t be able to put the book down. But you need to make sure it’s believable and written at just the right pace for your story. This Focus On seminar will clue you in on the techniques great action writers use to make their scenes zing with excitement! For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.“This seminar exceeded my expectations. Pamela Freeman knows her stuff. She is always entertaining and opens up a much deeper perspective to the course content. I will now go back through my work and look for action scenes that need more work.” Karen Payne
FOCUS ON… Chapters The end of a chapter is the point most readers choose to end their reading for the day or night—to put that book down. How a chapter is structured and how it starts and ends is the key to a story being unputdownable! This online seminar is perfect for those who are writing (or thinking about writing) a novel and are unsure of how to structure their chapters—or for those who are editing a draft and trying to make each chapter sing! For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.“I’m hungry to learn everything I can about writing my book, but I lack time. This style of course delivery is great! I get so much out of it. Pamela’s concise, informative presentation and notes ... I come away with some new material to digest and plenty of support in grasping it. Perfect combination.” Jane Edgar Peterlin
FOCUS ON… Avoiding Infringement explores how to write about real people, events and places in your novel. You want your writing to be authentic and believable, but how much creative licence can you take when you are writing about facts in a fictional world? What if you are inspired by other people’s work and want to reference their work in your story? Like song lyrics, movie lines, other books and so on. What are the rules around using real quotes, ideas, characters, settings, real people, historic events…especially if you want to change them? This seminar will cover all that and more. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.“I wanted to have a guide as to what I could and couldn’t use in terms of lyrics, quotes and pop culture. AWC is a goldmine of information, especially for people like me who are new to writing. I have found the courses accessible and the focus on sessions so helpful to ask questions and gain information from experienced writers sharing their knowledge and expertise.” Rosie
Meet your presenter
Pamela Freeman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 40 books and novellas, plus short stories and scripts. She writes under two names: Pamela Freeman for children’s and fantasy, and Pamela Hart for mystery novels and historical fiction. Prolific across multiple genres, Pamela has a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Writing) and she has been the director of creative writing here at the Australian Writers's Centre for over 10 years. 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