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[name] => FOCUS ON... Matching Style to Genre
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[description] => Do you know your genre’s style?
You know what kind of story you want to write. The genre is clear. But do you know how to write it so that you fulfill your readers’ expectations and send them away satisfied (and keen to read your next book)?
Style is the secret ingredient in writing a great story, and it’s easier to control than you think!
It’s about more than words
This Focus On…Matching Style to Genre seminar will:
- Help you to find out what style is right for your book,
- Look at how genre affects both point of view and style
- Show you how you can control style in large and small ways
- Give you concrete examples of different genre styles, and
- Explain how style affects how cross-genre books are categorised by publishers.
Multi-award winning, bestselling writer Pamela Freeman (aka Pamela Hart) dives deep into the writing craft to help you realise that your style is under your control, and can greatly improve your book’s chances of success!
FOCUS ON improving your craft
Each of
our popular FOCUS ON seminars explores an important aspect of the art of writing – in an accessible and efficient way. The session consists of
a 1 hour expert presentation plus an additional 30 minute Q&A – designed to entertain, educate and inspire you to improve your craft.

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