Make Time to Write

Don’t have time to write? We’ll show you where it’s hiding...

This course is ideal for: Anyone who is reading this right now instead of writing

You’ll discover:
How to squeeze more writing time into your day
The six myths that are holding you back
Eight practical strategies that you can use today
Insights into how other authors do it
How to write 10,000 words in 30 days – guaranteed.

“I have learnt so much and feel empowered about fitting writing in my life. I have just spent the last 30 days completing the extra Writing Bootcamp course and I am now writing every day, engaged and committed.”
– Valerie Miller, Make Time to Write graduate

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Conquer the clock

The biggest problem that many writers face today is not finding their voice, writing beautiful sentences or even knowing where to start their story – it’s finding time to write. When life is horribly busy, writing feels like the biggest self-indulgence of all, taking you away from friends, family, work and everything else that matters. But writing matters too. Which is why it’s essential that you make the time to do what you love. The big question is “how?”. This course answers that question. We’ll give you a step-by-step guide to getting the words written, no matter what. We’ll help you fight procrastination. We’ll show you how to spot the crevices in your day – tiny little writing opportunities that can add up to big word counts. We’ll tell you exactly how other authors do it. SEE FULL COURSE OUTLINE

Your bonus 30-day Writing Bootcamp

As a special bonus, when you purchase this course, you'll also receive Allison's 30-day Writing Bootcamp (valued at $97). Many people have told us that this bonus is a game-changer – and that it has transformed their writing habits! Sometimes all you need is for someone to hold your hand as you get started. Our email program has got you covered. You’ll get a step-by-step plan emailed to your inbox every day for 30 days. Full of tips and insight, all you need to do is to follow it, and you will have 10,000+ words added to your WIP, guaranteed. “Thank you for dispelling the myths of inspiration, perfect places and times to write. Thank you for providing practical and achievable tips to get my words down. My book idea feels like it could actually be realised. At the very least, I now know I can write and will continue to do so.” - Nicola Howell “Thank you for dispelling the myths of inspiration, perfect places and times to write. Thank you for providing practical and achievable tips to get my words down. My book idea feels like it could actually be realised. At the very least, I now know I can write and will continue to do so.” Nicola Howell SEE MORE REVIEWS

In this course, you’ll discover:

A few home truths about writing

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies and when it comes to writing there are six myths that hold us back. We’ll share a few home truths about writing and give you practical, implementable steps to help get your writing back on track. If you’re waiting for the perfect time to write your novel, or the perfect place in which to write your novel, this course is a MUST for you.

How to make the time to write

Making time to write requires a step-by-step approach, and that’s what we’ll give you. We’ll give you 8 practical strategies that you can use TODAY to help you make the best use of the time you have. If you’re searching for that magical 25th hour in the day in which to write, we’ll give you the tools to carve it out of your busy schedule.

Tools that will help

The beauty of writing is that it’s so portable, so you can take it wherever you go. And the myriad technological tools available to help today mean that you can pick up your manuscript at any point, whenever you like. We’ll share some of the tools you can use to keep the words adding up – some of which are very low-tech indeed!

How other authors do it

In their own words, and their own voices, we’ll give you tried and true techniques and tips from working writers. From established authors, including Liane Moriarty, Michael Robotham, Adrian McKinty, Charlotte Wood, Favel Parrett, Natasha Lester, Rachael Johns, Gabrielle Tozer, and Tristan Bancks, to debut authors just a few stages ahead of you, you’ll hear a range of advice and ideas, some of which will be just right for you.

What’s included in your online course?

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