Presenting to Kids

How to entertain a live audience of children with your stories

This course is ideal for: Authors, illustrators, teachers and librarians who would love to wow kids with their presentations.

You will:
 Discover how to engage a live audience of young people
 Learn how to use your book(s) as a hook for your presentation
 Understand how to plan a compelling talk
 Feel confident to present to different age groups
 Explore all the paid opportunities for authors and illustrators to present to kids.

This course is amazing. I recommend it 110% to anyone who will be, or already is, presenting to kids. Great tips and so inspiring!
– Victoria Ellen

See more reviews
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Become a gold star performer

As a children’s author or illustrator, you not only earn an income from your book sales, you can also carve out a healthy income stream from being paid to present to kids. We’re talking about school visits, festivals, library talks, Zoom appearances and much more. In fact, some children’s book creators make the majority of their income this way. But how do you find these opportunities? And how do you ensure that you’re invited back again and again? If you’re an author or an illustrator – or an aspiring one – who wants to earn money presenting to kids, this course gives you a blueprint for success. You’ll discover how to hold the attention of a group of kids, what teachers (and the kids) expect from a school visit, how to encourage sales of your book, and ensure you get booked for presentations again and again.

An overview

This course provides you with everything you need to know about presenting to children. You’ll discover the different ways you can entertain the masses, from school visits, book signings and festivals to Zoom appearances, bookshop events, library sessions and everything in between. You’ll understand who decides whether to book an author and how to ensure they know about YOU. We'll help you determine what your brand is as an author or illustrator, and reveal the 7 common types of presentations that young readers love. Importantly, you’ll develop the skills to capture the attention and imagination of a live audience, using props or visual aids and powerpoint presentations, and how to prepare to get back on track if things go wrong. What happens if you’re booked for a Year 5 class but turn up to find Kindy looking back at you? Yes, it happens! We'll show you how to adapt and thrive. This course will reveal the typical issues you need to be aware of depending on the age of your audience. You’ll uncover techniques for adjusting your content from Kindergarten all the way up to Year 10. Ultimately, you’ll learn how to develop your career so you can rely on a steady income from school visits and other paid appearances. You’ll also master the subtle ways to encourage book sales! SEE FULL COURSE OUTLINE

Here’s what you’ll learn:

And much more. By the end of this course, you will: Presenting to kids can be a lot of fun. And as a children’s book creator, it’s also a great way to introduce younger readers to your books. When you combine your passion for writing with a genuine desire to connect with your readers through live or Zoom events, it’s a winning formula. “This is a great course with lots of information. It’s fun and easy to follow along. Very useful.” Nikki Brooke

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’m a school teacher, not an author. Will this course help me improve my classroom presentations? A: Yes, of course. Just that you care enough to be thinking about doing this course means that you are open to new ideas. You will be re-energised and revitalised, or reassured that you’re on the right track. Have you ever seen a presenter come from outside with a whole new approach? Sometimes it can be great to learn how people from outside the system think about presenting to kids. Perhaps you want to get your students excited about a book they are reading. Or you'd love to discover ways to take their writing and creativity to the next level. Maybe you want to learn more about having an author or illustrator to present for your class – in this course, you’ll find it all. Q: I’m not sure what to charge for my school appearances. Will I learn about different pricing options? A: Yes – we will discuss pricing and give you some baseline rates and tips on how to negotiate with the organisers. It’s not just schools, but all kinds of organisations that might want to book you. We will also discuss situations where you might not charge for a presentation and instead use it as a promotional opportunity for your book or make money through book sales. There are other opportunities to present to children too, from the various children’s choice awards, to promoting books and reading more generally. You might be a role model for Books in Homes or an ambassador for Room to Read. We'll take you through all the different options available. Q: Do I need to be tech savvy to give a brilliant presentation? A: Not at all. If you already are, that’s great! Use it. But this course is all about finding and leaning into your own strengths, brand and personality. Some of the most dynamic presenters will rely entirely on storytelling with a single slide behind them, showing their books. Others captivate kids through live drawing with good old texta on paper. Enthusiasm, passion and awareness of what you do best is key. We will help you find that…and then hold your hand through some tech-basics. Q: I have no experience presenting to kids and it all feels a bit daunting. Will the course help me with my confidence and impostor syndrome? A: Yes, absolutely. We all struggle with learning a new skill. And all creators feel impostor syndrome at some time – we are constantly trying something new because we care about our craft and about children. This course will help you find both the confidence in what you have to offer (and we all have something) and give you step-by-step instructions and industry advice from a children’s author who has seen and done it all. Q: I’ve been presenting to children for some time. Will I learn anything new? A: Almost certainly. You might want to revitalise your presentation style, make it more dynamic or align it more carefully with your brand. We show you how to build on your strengths and explore new avenues you might not have thought of. Let’s have some fun! 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