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[name] => Writing Chapter Books for 6-9 year olds
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[description] => LIMITED TIME OFFER: Save $98 on Writing Chapter Books for 6-9 year olds.
LIMITED TIME OFFER: Save $98 on Writing Chapter Books for 6-9 year olds.
Offer ends midnight Monday 2 December 2024.
Have you ever:
- Dreamt of being the author of a successful chapter book series for children aged 6-9 years?
- Been inspired by chapter books such as Weirdo by Anh Do, Lulu Bell by Belinda Murrell, The Bad Guys by Aaron Blabey and the Fizz series by Lesley Gibbes?
Children’s books are among the biggest sellers in the publishing industry and avid readers are always hungry for more. In this course, you’ll learn the basics so you can get started with your own chapter book. Join award-winning author Lesley Gibbes as she explains the essentials in this introductory course.
Lesley Gibbes
Children's author. Her Fizz series has sold more than 300,000 copies internationally.
But first, what exactly is a chapter book?
If you’re thinking longer than a picture book but shorter than a middle grade novel then you’re on the right track. Chapter books have a tight word count but are complex enough to be divided into chapters with accompanying illustrations. They have a big story with a vocabulary and sentence structure modified to support newly independent readers.
In this course you’ll be fine-tuning your understanding of your target audience and how to meet their unique reading and motivational needs with a short illustrated story in a chapter book format."Lesley Gibbes was a personable, knowledgeable and highly engaging presenter. She demonstrated a wealth of knowledge about chapter books beyond her own titles. The most enjoyable part was delving into the details about chapter books, and hearing Lesley’s tips on word choices, themes and sentence structure."
- Liz Ledden
Why are these books so appealing to younger readers?
Fun, silly, quirky, scary, adventurous and even a little bit naughty – add in plenty of illustrations and what's not to like about this format of chapter books! It's a segment that has become ridiculously popular in the past two decades especially and kids simply can't get enough of them. They love the illustrated, high-impact story in a chapter book format (making them feel like a grown up!). Ultimately it's the vital first step for kids into a world of independent reading - which is why it's so important to make it such a fun experience. When you write early chapter books, you're writing books that will inspire kids to read for life! (But hey, no pressure...)
Reviews of Writing Chapter Books for 6-9 year olds
"Lesley Gibbes was a personable, knowledgeable and highly engaging presenter. She demonstrated a wealth of knowledge about chapter books beyond her own titles. The most enjoyable part was delving into the details about chapter books, and hearing Lesley’s tips on word choices, themes and sentence structure."
- Liz Ledden
"I loved Lesley’s nuts and bolts, no-waffle approach. She knew her subject matter inside out, and her key points were effectively communicated."
- Debra Tidball
"Lesley gave us all the information we needed to write our chapter books. Australian Writers’ Centre courses are full of fabulous information and are easy to work through."
- Kerry Malone
"Lesley Gibbes is a great presenter with heartfelt belief in her topic which is then passed on to course recipients. I enjoyed the enthusiasm within each module. This is my second course and I have felt supported in my learning. I think I have found my genre."
- Bridget White
This introductory course will cover:
- What is a chapter book series and how does it differ from other children’s books?
- Who is your target audience and what are their specific needs?
- How long should your chapter book be?
- How do you create a high impact story with a small word count?
- What are chapter hooks and why are they important?
- What role do illustrations play?
- What story themes resonate with this age group?
- Is your idea suitable for a series?
What’s included in your online course?
- Almost 2.5 hours of content – access anytime at your own pace
- 9 audio lessons plus 9 supporting handouts
- Personalised tutor feedback on a writing exercise
"I loved Lesley’s nuts and bolts, no-waffle approach. She knew her subject matter inside out, and her key points were effectively communicated."
- Debra Tidball
About course creator Lesley Gibbes
Lesley Gibbes is an internationally published children’s author and primary school teacher. Her books include the hilarious chapter book series
Fizz, illustrated by Stephen Michael King (CBCA Notable Book, Younger Readers) and picture books
Dinosaur Dads,
Three Little Mermaids,
Searching for Cicadas,
Bouncing Bouncing Little Joeys, Fluke, Little Bear’s First Sleep (CBCA Notable Book, Early Childhood)
, Quick As A Wink Fairy Pink, Bring A Duck and
Scary Night (CBCA Early Childhood Book of the Year, Honour Book). She has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Sydney and 16 years' teaching experience in Primary Education.
Q: I'm a complete beginner. Will this course suit me?
A: Yes, welcome! If you have an interest in writing books for the 6-9 age group, you'll love this course. It has been designed as an introduction to the popular category of chapter books, with no prior knowledge necessary. You'll learn what goes into a successful story that kids, parents, teachers and publishers love.
Q: Will I receive feedback on my writing?
A: You can complete this course in your own time over 12 months. When you're ready, there is a small writing exercise to complete to cement your learning – and presenter Lesley Gibbes will provide you with feedback.
Q: I want to write for children but how do I work out which writing course is right for me and my book?
A: Children's fiction is separated into a number of different categories, depending on the age range of the reader. We have a course to guide you in every one of these categories:
If you're not sure which area you might like to write in, one of the best ways to decide is to think about your protagonist. Kids like to read up a bit (that is, read a little older than they are) so if your protagonist is 10, you're likely writing either a chapter book or children's novel. If your protagonist is 16, then it falls into YA.
"Lesley gave us all the information we needed to write our chapter books. Australian Writers’ Centre courses are full of fabulous information and are easy to work through."
- Kerry Malone
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