Newsletter Teasers and Answers
16 January Teaser – Title fight
Jemima’s memory is not what it used to be. She’s trying to remember the name of some books she saw in the children’s bookshop window display on her walk, but is having a little trouble. Can you decipher what titles she is referring to?
- The Really Ravenous Centipede?
- The Big Cat, the Magic Lady and the Closet?
- The Train that was Determined?
- Jimmy and the Huge Apricot?
- The Breeze in the Birches?
- The Day the Colour Pencils Resigned?
- The Hidden Backyard?
- The Feline in the Fedora?
- Charles and the Confectionery Works?
- The Story of Doctor Did Nothing?
- Peter Skillet?
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
How’d you go with these children’s titles? Here are the answers:
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis
- The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper
- James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
- The WInd in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
- The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
- The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
- The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
- The Story of Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting
- Peter Pan by JM Barrie
9 January Teaser – Almost Famous
Enid Blyton’s ‘Famous Five’ series is a classic, with 21 titles recounting the very British adventures of Julian, Dick, Anne, George and their dog Timmy. We’ve listed SIX official titles below, but also FIVE fake ones. Can you tell them apart?
- Five Run Away Together
- Five Have Plenty of Fun
- Five Get Lost and Found
- Five Go to Epstein Island
- Five Have a Wonderful Time
- Five Go to Billycock Hill
- Five are Home by Supper
- Five Have a Mystery to Solve
- Five Follow Timmy’s Lead
- Five Get into Trouble
- Five Have Adventures Galore!
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
Did we trick with any of these jolly good adventures? Here are the answers:
- Five Run Away Together (1944)
- Five Have Plenty of Fun (1955)
- Five Get Lost and Found FAKE
- Five Go to Epstein Island FAKE
- Five Have a Wonderful Time (1952)
- Five Go to Billycock Hill (1957)
- Five are Home by Supper FAKE
- Five Have a Mystery to Solve (1962)
- Five Follow Timmy’s Lead FAKE
- Five Get into Trouble (1949)
- Five Have Adventures Galore! FAKE!
2 January Teaser – “Rank and ‘–Phile’”
Can YOU identify the correct closest definition (a or b) for each of the following –PHILE words?
- LOGOPHILE: a) Lover of words b) Lover of the gods
- OENOPHILE: a) Loves wine b) Loves snakes
- MYCOPHILE: a) Music enthusiast b) Mushroom enthusiast
- ARCTOPHILE: a) Loves cold places b) Loves teddy bears
- AILUROPHILE: a) Bird lover b) Cat lover
- GALANTHOPHILE: a) Collects roses b) Collects snowdrops
- CINEPHILE: a) Likes movies b) Likes comic books
- RHEOPHILE: a) Thrives in a desert b) Thrives in running water
- SPERMOPHILE: a) A walrus b) A squirrel
- OVOPHILE: a) Type of fish b) Type of cattle
- HELIOPHILE: a) Loves sunlight b) Loves flying
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
How’d you go with our ‘phile cabinet’? The correct answer is in bold:
- LOGOPHILE: a) Lover of words b) Lover of the gods
- OENOPHILE: a) Loves wine b) Loves snakes
- MYCOPHILE: a) Music enthusiast b) Mushroom enthusiast
- ARCTOPHILE: a) Loves cold places b) Loves teddy bears!
- AILUROPHILE: a) Bird lover b) Cat lover
- GALANTHOPHILE: a) Collects roses b) Collects snowdrops
- CINEPHILE: a) Likes movies b) Likes comic books
- RHEOPHILE: a) Thrives in a desert b) Thrives in running water
- SPERMOPHILE: a) A walrus b) A squirrel
- OVOPHILE: a) Type of fish b) Type of cattle
- HELIOPHILE: a) Loves sunlight b) Loves flying
26 December Teaser – “Unboxed”
Happy Boxing Day! And to celebrate this day that the British Commonwealth knows all about and the USA absolutely does not, we’d like you to solve the following clues for BOX related terms.
- Despite its name, it’s ‘plane’ to see this is orange.
- Both the name of where you might get a film ticket as well as describing all the tickets sold.
- Curiosity got the better of this Greek girl when she opened this one.
- In some sports, it’s where you go when naughty, but in soccer it’s on the field.
- Life is like this, according to Forrest Gump’s mama.
- What you might get up on if you want to express your opinion.
- Where lateral thinkers spend most of their time?
- Music blaster seen carried on shoulders in the 1980s.
- Someone who talks a lot!
- To punch the air against an imaginary opponent.
- Early camera invented in 1900.
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
How’d you go with these box-shaped terms? Here are the answers:
- Despite its name, it’s ‘plane’ to see this is orange. BLACK BOX
- Both the name of where you might get a film ticket as well as describing all the tickets sold. BOX OFFICE
- Curiosity got the better of this Greek girl when she opened this one. PANDORA’S BOX
- In some sports, it’s where you go when naughty, but in soccer it’s on the field. PENALTY BOX
- Life is like this, according to Forrest Gump’s mama. BOX OF CHOCOLATES
- What you might get up on if you want to express your opinion. SOAPBOX
- Where lateral thinkers spend most of their time? OUTSIDE THE BOX
- Music blaster seen carried on shoulders in the 1980s. BOOM BOX
- Someone who talks a lot! CHATTERBOX
- To punch the air against an imaginary opponent. SHADOWBOX
- Early camera invented in 1900. BOX BROWNIE
19 December Teaser – “Four-letter words”
It's the time of year when a lot of four-letter words get thrown about. (Hey! We mean words like GIFT or YULE.) So, can you solve our famous cryptic clues to decipher the following common 4-letter words?
- A bright smile that holds up a roof.
- Element that presses clothes.
- Found on a desert island and on hands.
- My front garden is three feet wide.
- Move quickly to this watery plant.
- Good for changing tyres, jumping candlesticks or fetching water.
- Paid roles with the Apple founder.
- Go really fast or get closer?
- Where a boat might park its fortified wine?
- Walk up and down at speed?
- I touched the pool table surface.
ANSWERS BELOW! Continue scrolling at your own risk.
- A bright smile that holds up a roof. BEAM
- Element that presses clothes. IRON
- Found on a desert island and on hands. PALM
- My front garden is three feet wide. YARD
- Move quickly to this watery plant. RUSH
- Good for changing tyres, jumping candlesticks or fetching water. JACK
- Paid roles with the Apple founder. JOBS
- Go really fast or get closer? ZOOM
- Where a boat might park its fortified wine? PORT
- Walk up and down at speed? PACE
- I touched the pool table surface. FELT