Write compelling characters, from the the good guys to the bad

This bundle includes 3 powerful seminars from Pamela Freeman’s brilliant FOCUS ON series.

  1. FOCUS ON… Developing Characters
  2. FOCUS ON… Handling Multiple Points of View
  3. FOCUS ON… Villains
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FOCUS ON… Developing Characters explores how to develop strong characters capable of carrying a story – and how to ask the right questions to shape ANY genre to a satisfying character-based conclusion! To craft a story that readers will truly love, you need a complex primary character who will drive the narrative forward and engage your readers by making them care about what happens to them. This seminar will show you how! For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE. FOCUS ON...Show, Don't Tell“I enjoy Pamela's presentation style and her deep knowledge of her craft. I feel more confident to look at my characters, using the tools provided in this seminar. AWC is an excellent place to learn the skills for writing with knowledgeable teaches. There is a huge range of courses to choose from and I like the flexibility to work through these at my own pace.” Carole Handel


FOCUS ON… Handling Multiple Points of View explores how you can tell complex, interesting, layered stories that can draw readers in and remain in readers’ memories using multiple points of view. The seminar covers topics like how many POVs is too many, how to best use dual timelines, how a three-act structure works with multiple POVs and much more! For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE. Focus On Characters“Thanks for offering this terrific seminar – it was worth the time (and money). Pamela's examples were explained clearly and are very practical in approach. The AWC provides practical and useful writing advice and support to writers at all stages of their careers. It's a friendly and welcoming community where writers can build their skills at their own pace, and in turn, their ‘writerly' confidence will grow.” Alida Galati


FOCUS ON… Villains will take you through how to create a villain who will be memorable, threatening, and believable. It’s easy to stereotype a villain, but great books show us not just how a character is against the main characters, but why. The more believable the antagonist is, the greater the threat to the main characters, and the higher the narrative tension. For more information on this seminar you can go to the course page HERE.

Meet your presenter

Pamela Freeman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 40 books and novellas, plus short stories and scripts. She writes under two names: Pamela Freeman for children’s and fantasy, and Pamela Hart for mystery novels and historical fiction. Prolific across multiple genres, Pamela has a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Writing) and she has been the director of creative writing here at the Australian Writers's Centre for over 10 years. 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